Is the season coming to an end or just beginning?


As the garden season is coming to an end for some, it is just beginning for others. I’m not talking about different areas of the country, but right here in South Central, PA. Now is the time to quickly put in any flowering bulbs that you have forgotten to do. Now is the time to start thinking about what additions or changes you are going to make for next year’s garden. Did you make notes about the disappointments you had this year? Take time now to make your list while it is still fresh in your mind. I know I have a couple I need to address. My containers on my columns as you enter down the drive need more bang. I’m already starting to research what to use.



Now is a great time to notice what still looks good. I have talked to many people who feel they are tired by now and have given up for the year. I agree partly. I would much rather design for spring, summer, and fall. That is when we spend most of our time entertaining, playing, and working in the garden. What if you could have things in your garden that looked good then and are still hanging on now. Some of my observations are: shrub roses, redtwig dogwoods, winterberry hollies, purple beauty berrries, and even some Virginia sweetspire are still looking great. I have some of these in my garden. I just need one more year to be able to take cuttings from the redtwigs and the winterberries. This will be perfect to add to the containers I mentioned earlier. I may even be able to replace the hydrangeas I have inside. I took some Annebelle Hydrangea cutting to put in a vase for an event we had in Aug. they still look great.



Now is also the time to consider whether to tackle the project yourself or hire a professional. I find it interesting working with people on their garden spaces. Everyone is so different regards to their involvement in the process and the final product. I love listening to spouses talk back and forth about what they want to see and experience. Sometimes I think I should have minored in counseling. Some day I’ll write about how to find a contractor and what type is best for you. For now, start interviewing landscape designers if you are unsure if you want to tackle the project yourself.



Finally, start planning next year’s garden now to fully enjoy the experience.